Saturday, October 27, 2012

A Fun Fall Frolic!

What a gorgeous season it's been.
A friend and I decided to take some pictures of our little ones who are good friends at church.
But little Caden had other ideas and did not want to hang out with Stella and have pictures taken.
That's ok, we got some great shots anyway! I love this time of year. It's one of the rewards for living in a a part of the country that is hard to live in. I miss the west and my good friends and family, but this definitely helps ease the longing. It has insistently become home in the last 4 of the 11 years we've been here. I use the term insistently because we've been trying to get back west forever but the east has insisted that we stay and settle in.
 Stella digs her ride. I found it at a barn sale 6 yrs ago for $5.00 and got it for Sammy's dolls. Yep, you heard it right. 5. dollars. I'm in love with it, it works great and is still in mint condition for being 40+ yrs old, which is more than I can say for myself!  That's Peg Perego for you.

 We don't use this everyday because it is old and I don't want to put the miles on it, but it's great for photo shoots and sometimes we take her to town with us just for a spin in a classic. It really brightens peoples day when a sweet, friendly little baby like Stella rolls up in this cutie and cocks her head to the side. smiles and says says "HI!" in her high pitched, perfect baby voice.

Funny....Stella wasn't even a thought being entertained when I bought this.

Now we could hardly imagine life without this cheery little imp!

knock knock!

" I hear you like babies around here!" Here's another!"

"Oohhh, and some more leaves!"  

Caden was crying so she was trying to comfort him.


This was out in the backyard..

The sunset was beautiful and made little halos on their sweet baby heads

They found a rock to exchange. 

We watched the sunset. 

It was perfect. 

Just a little glimpse of a proper New England fall. Hope you liked it!  I do realize I need more pics of the rest of us.  They are forthcoming!


  1. Sweet little Stella. I love her little sweater vest! And the last two pictures. Darling. :)

  2. Sweet little babies. The second to last picture is my favorite---those eyes, that smirk---I melt.
